DSA with C++

  • 6-Week Intensive Curriculum
  • Accredited by Wipro
  • Internship Opportunities with 100+ partner companies
  • One-on-One Mentorship with industry leaders
  • Letter of Recommendation 
  • Guaranteed Internship Placement
  • Detailed Project Reports for your capstone projects


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Master Data Structures and Algorithms with C++ (6-Week Intensive)

Course Duration: 6 Weeks
Mentorship: Industry experts with extensive experience in competitive programming and software development will guide you throughout the course.
Mode of Learning: Online, Self-paced + Weekly Live Sessions

Week 1: Introduction to C++ and Fundamental Data Structures

  • Introduction to C++:
    • C++ Basics: Syntax, variables, data types, and operators.
    • Functions and Control Structures (if, loops, switch).
    • Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts in C++.
  • Fundamental Data Structures:
    • Arrays: Declaration, initialization, and basic operations.
    • Linked Lists: Singly and doubly linked lists, insertion, deletion, and traversal.
  • Project 1: Basic Array Operations
    • Implement a program that performs common array operations (insert, delete, traverse, reverse, etc.)

Outcome: Familiarity with C++ syntax and basic data structures like arrays and linked lists.

Week 2: Stacks, Queues, and Recursion

  • Stacks:

    • Stack operations: Push, pop, peek, and isEmpty.
    • Applications of stacks (e.g., reversing a string, expression evaluation).
  • Queues:

    • Queue operations: Enqueue, dequeue, front, rear.
    • Circular Queues and their applications.
  • Recursion:

    • Understanding recursion: Base case and recursive case.
    • Factorial, Fibonacci series, Tower of Hanoi.
  • Project 2: Expression Evaluation using Stack

    • Implement an algorithm to evaluate arithmetic expressions using stacks.

Outcome: Mastery of stack and queue operations and recursion techniques.

Week 3: Sorting and Searching Algorithms

  • Sorting Algorithms:

    • Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort.
    • Time complexity and space complexity analysis of each algorithm.
  • Searching Algorithms:

    • Linear Search, Binary Search.
    • Optimizations and applications in real-world problems.
  • Project 3: Sorting Visualizer

    • Implement a program to visualize different sorting algorithms and compare their performance.

Outcome: Deep understanding of sorting and searching algorithms, including their time complexities and use cases.

Week 4: Trees and Graphs

  • Trees:

    • Binary Trees: In-order, pre-order, and post-order traversal.
    • Binary Search Trees (BST): Insertion, deletion, and searching.
    • AVL Trees: Self-balancing trees, rotations, and height-balancing.
  • Graphs:

    • Representation of graphs (adjacency matrix, adjacency list).
    • Graph Traversal: BFS (Breadth First Search) and DFS (Depth First Search).
  • Project 4: Implement Binary Search Tree

    • Implement a fully functional binary search tree with operations like insertion, deletion, and traversal.

Outcome: Knowledge of tree and graph structures, including traversal techniques.

Week 5: Dynamic Programming and Greedy Algorithms

  • Dynamic Programming:

    • Introduction to Dynamic Programming: Overlapping subproblems, optimal substructure.
    • Solving problems using DP: Fibonacci, Knapsack, Longest Common Subsequence.
  • Greedy Algorithms:

    • Understanding Greedy approach: Activity Selection, Huffman Encoding.
    • Key properties of Greedy algorithms and where to apply them.
  • Project 5: Solving Knapsack Problem using DP

    • Implement the 0/1 Knapsack problem using Dynamic Programming.

Outcome: Ability to solve complex problems using dynamic programming and greedy algorithms.

Week 6: Advanced Algorithms & Career Prep

  • Advanced Algorithms:
    • Backtracking: N-Queens Problem, Sudoku Solver.
    • Divide and Conquer Algorithms: Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Binary Search.
  • Career Preparation:
    • Algorithmic problem-solving techniques for coding interviews.
    • Portfolio Building: Showcase your completed projects and problem-solving skills.
    • Interview Prep: Tips on answering coding interview questions, tackling algorithm challenges, and improving problem-solving speed.
  • Project 6: Final Capstone Project
    • Choose one complex problem (e.g., solving a maze, scheduling problems, or building a mini library management system).
    • Implement an optimized solution using algorithms learned throughout the course.

Outcome: You will have the ability to solve advanced algorithmic problems and be prepared for technical interviews.

Major Projects:

  • Basic Array Operations (Week 1)

    • Core Skills: Array manipulation, basic C++ programming.
  • Expression Evaluation using Stack (Week 2)

    • Core Skills: Stack implementation, infix expression evaluation.
  • Sorting Visualizer (Week 3)

    • Core Skills: Sorting algorithms, performance analysis.
  • Binary Search Tree Implementation (Week 4)

    • Core Skills: Tree data structures, traversal algorithms.
  • Knapsack Problem using Dynamic Programming (Week 5)

    • Core Skills: Dynamic programming, problem-solving techniques.
  • Final Capstone Project (Week 6)

    • Core Skills: Advanced algorithms, interview prep, and portfolio building.

Mentorship at Eduveda Academy:

  • Industry Mentor Assignment:
    • Be paired with an experienced mentor from a top tech company for personalized guidance.
    • 1-on-1 sessions for problem-solving reviews and career advice.
  • Weekly Live Q&A Sessions:
    • Get real-time support, tips, and feedback from instructors and mentors.

Final Notes:

  • Weekly Live Sessions: Discuss key concepts, tackle challenging problems, and clear doubts.
  • Peer Networking: Join the academy Slack group for collaborative learning, feedback, and discussions.
  • Deployment: Showcase your final project and problem-solving journey on your portfolio.

This 6-week course is designed to give you a strong grasp of Data Structures and Algorithms, preparing you for technical interviews and making you job-ready in the field of software development.

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